Monday 30 November 2015

Thriller Conventions

What are the convention expected
Narrative,representation,theme use of micro element

Chasing-Bad and good-weakness
warning(impending doom)
tension for shadowing
task to do objective - solve a situation
night time- dark time/setting
happy then sad

less sophisticated plot
Action set pieces
explosion and fighting

Threat is supernatural
Extreme SCARE

Thriller convention
The protagonist will be seen in peril

Themes of identity are common
- Mistaken identity,doppelgänger,amnesia
- The protagonist fallible(not perfect)- has an achilles heel/weakness that is exploited
- The narrative centre upon crime (theft,murder)
- The antagonist ensnares the protagonist in an increasingly complex web,leaving them helpless and isolated
- The audience is placed in the ambiguous position of voguer
- A series of enigmas are established and resolved at the end. (mystery riddle)
- Themes of seeing reflection and mirroring
- Micro-element combine in a build up suspense
- Extraordinary events in ordinary situations

Rear Window

Suspense and Meaning

Rear window 1954
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
(Psycho, Vertigo, North by northwest, 39 steps, Rebecca, Suspicious, Marnie, The rope)

Jimmy Stewart - Jeff
Grace Kelly - Lisa
Thelma Ritter - Stella
Lars Thorwald – Raymond Burr

-       Creating suspense
-       Diegetic music from the neighbours flat

-       We know the killer is coming. Jeff does Lisa doesn’t
-       Jeff is helpless he cant move and the audience can’t help
-       We know help is on the way
-       Are they going to get there in time
-       Editing shows us the emotion of Jeff and Stella, the danger is real.
-       We know theres a struggle
-       Is he going to kill her
-       uncertainly
-    The killer knows he is being watch,what will he do next.

-       Character
-       Audience

SE7EN Location and setting

Se7en (1995)

Director David Fincher

Brad pitt - David mill

Morgan freeman detective somerset
Kevin Spacey- John doe
Gwyneth Paltrow - Tracy Mills

 Scene 1

Where - street side , flat raining,city,poorer area, US,built up area, area for crime
Time - 90's
What is this world like - busy , police car , siren diegetic ,ambulance, shop are close,aggressive,rainy,gloomy,old,cheap, garbage around, people push through mills surprised,depressing ,cloudy,dead body carry around
Colour palette green,brown,grey

Scene 2

Old fashioned - clothes
Where- house,flat,kitchen,bedroom
Time - 90's
What is this world like - Diegetic - neighbouring flat,siren,
The city is still even in his home
Lacking colours white brown beige
flick knife shows that outside is dangerous

Scene 3

Where - Diner, restaurant
Time - 90's
What is the world like - gloomy , busy,people always walk pass, negative , hate the world so much a child shouldn't be born here
Talks about pregnancy
Tracey-terrible place
destroying new life

Tuesday 3 November 2015



Mills - aggressive, angry, mad, emotional, passion, impatient, extreme anger
Violent physically push photographer down the stair
Kick down the door of suspect
He shouts
He swear at milly – MILLS F*** OFF
Acts an impulse feeding off emotions
His crime is wrath
Kind gentle loving with his wife (hugs wife)
Loving his dogs – energetic way- rolls around with dogs
Confident – hero, believe he can fix things,
Make a difference – naïve – justice - happy

Clam, patient, rational
Think thing through consequence
Keep a grip on his emotion
Neat, precise-how he dress, lays out wallet badge knife very precise, pick fluff off his jacket, clean coffee jar
Quitting, retirement- the world is messed up – police fix and clean up cant be done-
Apathy (not caring)- people see crime and do nothing about it [apathy is the solution]
‘People don’t care therefore you don’t care about people'

Killer(john doe) represents both

Why do we watch scary films?

Do we like seeing evil punished?
-       The excitement ‘ the think’ (physical response)
-       Face fear (challenge ourselves)
-       (Knowledge that everything is safe) Not scary if not believable

Believed in catharsis
-       A release of suppressed emotion
-       We are attracted to what scares us to purge emotion

Exciting theory – Zolf Zillman

-       Negative emotion
-       Gain from violent/scary
-       Imagery INTENSIFY the positive
-       We enjoy seeing evil vanquished

Glenn D Walters
What makes a film scary?
-       Tension – suspense built up with filming techniques
-       Relevance – the fear generated has to be relevant and believe by the audience
-       Unrealism – We have to know there is no real threat. This is safe space to explore and experiment
