Monday 30 November 2015

Rear Window

Suspense and Meaning

Rear window 1954
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
(Psycho, Vertigo, North by northwest, 39 steps, Rebecca, Suspicious, Marnie, The rope)

Jimmy Stewart - Jeff
Grace Kelly - Lisa
Thelma Ritter - Stella
Lars Thorwald – Raymond Burr

-       Creating suspense
-       Diegetic music from the neighbours flat

-       We know the killer is coming. Jeff does Lisa doesn’t
-       Jeff is helpless he cant move and the audience can’t help
-       We know help is on the way
-       Are they going to get there in time
-       Editing shows us the emotion of Jeff and Stella, the danger is real.
-       We know theres a struggle
-       Is he going to kill her
-       uncertainly
-    The killer knows he is being watch,what will he do next.

-       Character
-       Audience

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