Monday 30 November 2015

Thriller Conventions

What are the convention expected
Narrative,representation,theme use of micro element

Chasing-Bad and good-weakness
warning(impending doom)
tension for shadowing
task to do objective - solve a situation
night time- dark time/setting
happy then sad

less sophisticated plot
Action set pieces
explosion and fighting

Threat is supernatural
Extreme SCARE

Thriller convention
The protagonist will be seen in peril

Themes of identity are common
- Mistaken identity,doppelgänger,amnesia
- The protagonist fallible(not perfect)- has an achilles heel/weakness that is exploited
- The narrative centre upon crime (theft,murder)
- The antagonist ensnares the protagonist in an increasingly complex web,leaving them helpless and isolated
- The audience is placed in the ambiguous position of voguer
- A series of enigmas are established and resolved at the end. (mystery riddle)
- Themes of seeing reflection and mirroring
- Micro-element combine in a build up suspense
- Extraordinary events in ordinary situations

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