Monday 30 November 2015

SE7EN Location and setting

Se7en (1995)

Director David Fincher

Brad pitt - David mill

Morgan freeman detective somerset
Kevin Spacey- John doe
Gwyneth Paltrow - Tracy Mills

 Scene 1

Where - street side , flat raining,city,poorer area, US,built up area, area for crime
Time - 90's
What is this world like - busy , police car , siren diegetic ,ambulance, shop are close,aggressive,rainy,gloomy,old,cheap, garbage around, people push through mills surprised,depressing ,cloudy,dead body carry around
Colour palette green,brown,grey

Scene 2

Old fashioned - clothes
Where- house,flat,kitchen,bedroom
Time - 90's
What is this world like - Diegetic - neighbouring flat,siren,
The city is still even in his home
Lacking colours white brown beige
flick knife shows that outside is dangerous

Scene 3

Where - Diner, restaurant
Time - 90's
What is the world like - gloomy , busy,people always walk pass, negative , hate the world so much a child shouldn't be born here
Talks about pregnancy
Tracey-terrible place
destroying new life

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