Tuesday 3 November 2015



Mills - aggressive, angry, mad, emotional, passion, impatient, extreme anger
Violent physically push photographer down the stair
Kick down the door of suspect
He shouts
He swear at milly – MILLS F*** OFF
Acts an impulse feeding off emotions
His crime is wrath
Kind gentle loving with his wife (hugs wife)
Loving his dogs – energetic way- rolls around with dogs
Confident – hero, believe he can fix things,
Make a difference – naïve – justice - happy


Clam, patient, rational
Think thing through consequence
Keep a grip on his emotion
Neat, precise-how he dress, lays out wallet badge knife very precise, pick fluff off his jacket, clean coffee jar
Quitting, retirement- the world is messed up – police fix and clean up cant be done-
Apathy (not caring)- people see crime and do nothing about it [apathy is the solution]
‘People don’t care therefore you don’t care about people'


Killer(john doe) represents both

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