Tuesday 3 November 2015

Why do we watch scary films?

Do we like seeing evil punished?
-       The excitement ‘ the think’ (physical response)
-       Face fear (challenge ourselves)
-       (Knowledge that everything is safe) Not scary if not believable

Believed in catharsis
-       A release of suppressed emotion
-       We are attracted to what scares us to purge emotion

Exciting theory – Zolf Zillman

-       Negative emotion
-       Gain from violent/scary
-       Imagery INTENSIFY the positive
-       We enjoy seeing evil vanquished

Glenn D Walters
What makes a film scary?
-       Tension – suspense built up with filming techniques
-       Relevance – the fear generated has to be relevant and believe by the audience
-       Unrealism – We have to know there is no real threat. This is safe space to explore and experiment


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